
#conception #curation #moderation #project management #strategy in arts and culture


©Nadine Schwickart |

From a young age, [Writer’s Name] was drawn to the world of words. They would spend hours poring over books, immersing themselves in the stories that unfolded on the pages. The power of language to transport, to evoke emotions, to ignite imaginations, never failed to fascinate them. It was only natural that [Writer’s Name] would eventually pursue their passion by becoming a writer.

Their journey began with pen and paper, scribbling down stories and poems in notebooks and journals. They would spend countless hours honing their craft, refining their skills, and exploring the vast expanse of human experience through their words. With each piece they wrote, [Writer’s Name] grew more confident in their abilities, their passion for writing deepening with each passing day.

As technology evolved, [Writer’s Name] seamlessly embraced the digital world, transitioning their writing from traditional methods to the ever-evolving landscape of online platforms and digital publishing. They found that the digital realm provided them with a wider audience and a more dynamic platform for their creativity, allowing their words to reach a global audience and connect with readers in unique ways.

Moderations | Talks | Publications

European Month of photography, Berlin. “Ausgezeichnete Bilder“. Talk within the Berlin opening of the exhibition “WE_LOVE. 60 Jahre Deutscher Jugendfotopreis”

K20/21 – Salon 21, Düsseldorf “Good deads eventually are rewarded” within the exhibition about Jenny Holzers work – With Nelly Gawellek, for And She Was Like: BÄM!

Meet the artists” – Talk about the performance “3x Eva” with Laura Runge, Yolande Sommer und Rahel Gieselmann on CircusDanceFestival

solidarity and sisterhood” IKOB – Museum für Zeitgenössische Kunst / Musée d’Art Contemporain / Museum of Contemporary Art, BE

Nelly Gawellek, Katharina Klapdor Ben Salem. „There is a crack in everything – thats how the light gets in (Leonard Cohen). Neue Kollaborationen für den Kulturbetrieb“. In: Systemkritik! Essays für eine Kulturpolitik der Transformation. Reiner/Sievers/Mohr (Hg.). Bielefeld, 2023

4-parts Event Talk-Series “Present questions” with Bassam Ghazi (Wie werde ich Künstler*in am Theater), Lisa Long (Wie kommt meine Kunst ins Museum?), Guy Dermosessian (Wie bringe ich Musik zu den Menschen?), Nazgol Majlessi (Wie kommt mein Film ins Kino?) und Olga Holzschuh (Kolloquium)

Concept and interviews (with Tm Behren) for first Edition of “Voices magazine“, Editing of Second Edition

Women in arts and culture“, 1. with Selina Pfrüner / 2. with Prasanna Oomen for Das Kulturgetriebe, cologne

11 Fragen an” with Jérome Lenzen for Kölner Institut für Kulturarbeit und Weiterbildung”

ÖkoRauschFestival, cologne “Artivism and Empowerment – Art is power for And She Was Like: BÄM!

Women at the gates, Kunsthaus Rhenania, cologne “contemporary feminism, artistic protest and work in the collective” for And She Was Like: BÄM!

Artist in residence at “Floating Rooms” with Len Klapdor

Live Guest at WDR “Lokalzeit Münsterland” for “Love is a stranger?” project



Head of Deutscher Jugendfotopreis and Deutscher Multimediapreis mb21Deutsches Kinder- und Jugendfilmzentrum (KJF), Remscheid. Member of the board at DGPh – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie, Member of Deutscher Fotorat, Member of the Jurys of Otto Steinert-Preis (DGPh), of “Blende Fotowettbewerb“, and of “Freiburger Jugendfotopreis“.


Program management / Project management ArtAsyl e.V. | Cologne -> Present Magazine, “Present questions” Event-Series, Project “coordination and professionalization of creative integration projects”

Dramaturge / Production management CircusDanceFestival | Cologne

Back Office Management CityLeaks Urban Arts Festival | Cologne

project coordination and curatorial assistance Project “eye_land: heimat, flucht, Fotografie – Deutsches Kinder- und Jugendfilmzentrum | Remscheid

conceptual design and copywrite for FEEDMEE Design GmbH | Cologne

dramaturg and author – theatre choir project “Europa – Hier leben” under the direction of Anna-Lena Klapdor Ringlokschuppen Ruhr | Mülheim a.d. Ruhr

project coordination and assistance at Zukunftsakademie NRW | Bochum

scientific trainee then lecturer -> project “Love is a stranger?” with Prof. Claudia Grönebaum + Prof. Hermann Dornhege (FH Münster) at Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe | Münster


And She Was Like: Bäm! (Project managing team member since 2018) | ArtAsyl e.V. | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie (DGPh) | Neue deutsche Medienmacher*innen


Master of Arts – Kulturanthropologie/Volkskunde -> Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Bachelor of Arts – Geschichte, Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie -> Westfälischen Wilhelms- Universität Münster